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Although every care has been taken by the Pro-Pak Ltd.  team to ensure the accuracy of the information published, no warranty can be given in respect of the accuracy, reliability, up-to-datedness or completeness of this information.

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Product Use and Recommendations

This site has been designed to provide general information about Pro-Pak Ltd.  This site is not intended to provide any instruction on the appropriate use of products produced and supplied by Pro-Pak Ltd.  All recommendations for handling, storage or use of products, whether given in writing, orally, or to be implied from the results of tests are based on Pro-Pak Ltd.  knowledge at the time such recommendations are made. Notwithstanding any such recommendations, you as the user of such products must make your own determination and satisfy yourself that the products supplied by Pro-Pak Ltd. and the information and recommendations given by Pro-Pak Ltd. are (i) suitable for intended process or purpose, (ii) are in compliance with environmental, health and safety regulations, and other regulations in the regions and countries where they are purchased, offered for sale, marketed, sold, and used  and (iii) will not infringe any third party's intellectual property rights.


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